Konkurs ”Czyste powietrze Gminy Kobylnica” (edycja 2018)

W grudniu 2018 r. zakończono realizację kolejnego konkursu „Czyste powietrze Gminy Kobylnica” (edycja 2018), którego celem była modernizacja systemów grzewczych poprzez likwidację kotłów i pieców opalanych węglem lub koksem i zastąpieniu ich jednym z ekologicznych źródeł ciepła (kocioł na gaz, biomasę, elektryczny, pompa ciepła) na terenie Gminy Kobylnica.


Karta Dużej Rodziny

Program wspierający rodziny wielodzietne na terenie Gminy Kobylnica.

Kobylnicki Budżet Obywatelski

Umożliwiamy mieszkańcom dyskusję i bezpośredni wpływ na decyzje o przeznaczeniu części budżetu publicznego na przedsięwzięcia zgłoszone bezpośrednio przez mieszkańców.

Karta Seniora Gminy Kobylnica

Zwiększenie seniorom dostępności do sfery kulturalnej, sportu i zdrowia.

Krajowa Mapa Zagrożeń Bezpieczeństwa

Zobacz lub zgłoś zagrożenia w Twojej okolicy.

Aplikacja „BLISKO”
Zaalarmuje, poinformuje, ostrzeże. Wystarczy kilka chwil, aby znaleźć się w gronie osób korzystających z bezpłatnej aplikacji „BLISKO”. Po jej zainstalowaniu na swoim smartfonie i dokonaniu rejestracji, będziemy na bieżąco informowani o najważniejszych sprawach i wydarzeniach.


ISO 90012000

ISO  90012000

Certificate of System of Management Quality to norm ISO 90012000 Municipality Office of Kobylnica has received on 19th October 2006. Range of certification is “public task at the communal nature result from act about government council entrust acts of tasks from range of government administration and other tasks result from particular regulations”.

Podaj dalej:

Year has passed from moment (19.10.2006), when Municipality Office of Kobylnica has gotten Certificate of System of management Quality to norm ISO 9001:2000. After months of strained work we have affixed to bunch of institution which can be proud of this sign. This is causes for pride for us, confirmation of fairness of choice and efforts, simultaneously encouragement and mobilization for far work over continuous perfecting and coming up of quality of services and increase of satisfaction of client from cooperation with our office. Now it`s time on confirm that we are institution which get Certificate of Quality ISO not accidentally.

On 20th November 2007 in Municipality of Kobylnica has proceeded indirect audit of System of Management Quality on conformity with current on day of audit demand of norm ISO 9001:2000. Auditors from Office of Certification Polish Register of Boats have followed activity of abstracts: Civil Causes, Social Education and Promotion of Municipality; Construction, Spatial Economies and Environmental protection; Investment and Municipal Economies, in respect on correctness of realized in them procedures, mainly in range of executing of shopping, publishing of administrative decisions and service activity of Client. On summing up meeting auditors have ascertained: “We have found no incompatibility with demands of norm ISO and with conviction we have made a decision about postponement of importance of certificate of office on next year” - has pronounced Mr. Robert Rakowiec from Polish Register of Boats- institution occupying certification of system of management. We are satisfied that common power we have confirmed next time high quality of our work. Supervising purpose of self-governed institution is ensure of professional and friendly attendance of clients. We realize this purpose by consequent reinforcement and accustoming of principle that work in communal government in service for other person, not only attribute of authority. Well organized administration is institution friendly for client, outstripping expectation of investors, putting on qualifications of employees, acting according to approved procedures and getting effect. Modern approach for question of quality order, that we must learn expectation of client an even surprise him, offering favors outstripping his expectations. Often great importance for estimate of activity of office by client have conditions in that decision is issued, E.g. availability and readability of informations, time on arrangement of conclusion, lack of queen, behavior of employee as well as chair for client. We realize that conditions of rooms on Office of Municipality don`t completely correspond on expectations of our clients, we are cordially apologize for that. In perspective plans is intention of structure of new Administratively- cultural Center, which will effect on correction of quality of attendance of client, not only of Office, as well as others organizational units of Municipality. One of measure of quality of work of officer is number of contributed complaints on activity of authorities of Municipality and Office. In year 2007 wasn`t such complaints. On 5561 issued decisions of Mayor of Municipality contribute 6 appealing, in it only 2 forceful, causing hold out decision. From year to year grows number tasks, which have to be realized by communal councils. It requires it continual bringing up of professional qualifications and also involves necessity of development of technology, shopping new, better and efficient fix-ups, E.g. computers.